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All the Resource Centres (RCs) offer online information services to the users through the cloud based multi-location library management software, e-Granthalaya, of the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

Web Online Public Access Catalogue (WebOPAC)

The Web based Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) offers access to catalogues of print and non-print collections of all the Resource Centres . The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of each RC can also be accessed via the Internet.

Access to e-Resources

Students and faculty of NIFT can access all the digital resources including subscribed databases, online periodicals, e-Books and institutional repository on the Internet through the website of NIFT.

Circulation Service

All RCs offer circulation service for selective collections of reading materials. Books are issued to all bonafide members of RC including students and faculty of NIFT. Please refer to the Student Rule Book at for the borrowing rules. Non-NIFTian members of RCs also avail of borrowing facilities. The number of books issued and loan periods vary from centre to centre. Please visit the website of your Campus for further details.
The bar-coded charging system in RCs ensure data accuracy and fast check-in & check-out at the circulation counter.

Current Awareness Service

RCs update the members periodically about current developments in the institution and industry. Few RCs also use popular social media to communicate with the users and update them regularly.

Bibliographic Service

Subject bibliographies on topics relevant to the fashion studies are provided online and also in print on demand.

Indexing and Abstracting Services to Fashion Periodicals

Valuable research tools for easy retrieval of journal literature on fashion and related areas in the NIFT library are the various indexing and abstracting services provided by online databases subscribed by NRC consortium.

Reference Service

Highly qualified professional staff members answer reference queries both online and offline.

Reprographic Service

Selective reprographic services such as photocopying and scanning are provided to the users at all RCs. Users shall abide by the Copyright Act of India, for details please visit

* Services may vary from Campus to Campus