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Tenders Archive
Inviting tender for supply and cable laying works in the Hostel (Girls).
Inviting tender for repair and maintenance of Acrylic sheet of Academic block, Upgradation of Cricket pitch and badminton Court in boys hostel and Installation of Wire mesh door in staff quarter.
Inviting Gem-e bid tender notice and documents for engagement of security agency.
Notice for Pre-bid Meeting for prospective contractors/service providers for HVAC System to be held on 10.05.2024 at 11:00 AM.
Tender notice for providing housekeeping and manpower services.
Tender Notice
Tender Notice
NIFT Raebareli invites sealed quotation for carrying out boring work of 7.5 HP.
Information_ regarding _NIT for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Inviting e-tender notice for running "Stationery Shop" at NIFT Raebareli.
lnviting Quotation for Group Medi-claim lnsurance coverage for 03rd Year (Batch 2020-24) and 4th Year (Batch 2019-23) students.
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for “Supply and Laying of Inter-Locking Work (Paver Block)” at NIFT Rae Bareli Campus.
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for “Hiring of 01 Nos. Official Vehicle".
Extension Notice for quotation for Medi-claim Insurance Policy for Students
Inviting Quotation for Group Medi-Claim Insurance coverage for students of B.Des and M.F.M. Department at NIFT, Raebareli.
निफ्ट। रायबरेली के छात्र /छात्राओ बी०डेस० और एम०एफ़०एम० विभाग, हेतु ग्रुप मेडी क्लैम विमा-कवरेज के लिए कोटेशन आमंत्रित करने के संबंध मे |
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for “Providing Pest Control Services in NIFT Rae Bareli Campus and Varanasi Extension Centre (VEC) Chowkhaghat, Varanasi”
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for “Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of Split & Window Air Conditions installed in NIFT Rae Bareli Campus and Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi” .
Inviting online tenders under ‘Two Bid Systems’ for “Engaging of Consultant for Organizing Fashion Show” in Taj Mahotsav at Agra, Uttar Pradesh on 28.03.2022.
Inviting Bid on GeM portal (GEM/2022/B/2012639) for supply, installation and commissioning Digital Audio System.
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for “Supply & Fixing of Tiles, Painting and Laying of Inter-Locking Work” at NIFT Raebareli Campus.
Inviting e-Tender notice for “Supply, Installation & commissioning of Resource Centre Material Wing"at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Quotation for Group Medi-claim insurance coverage for 2nd Year (Batch 2O2O-24), 3rd Year (Batch 2019-23) and 4th Year (Batch 2018-22) students (Total 378) of NIFT, Raebareli - Reg.
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for “Supply & Fixing of Tiles, Painting and Laying of Inter-Locking Work” at NIFT Raebareli Campus.
Seeking Expression of Interest for selecting suitable Banking Partner for NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting Bid (GEM/2021/B/1628032) on GeM portal for Event Management for Stage and Tentage items for NIFT Convocation 2021.
Inviting Bid (GEM/2021/B/1632544) on GeM portal for Event Management for Lights and Sounds system for NIFT Convocation 2021.
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for supply and installation of various “Jewellery Machines” at NIFT Raebareli Campus
Invites Quotation for supply of 01 no. Electric Jigsaw, 01 no. Pedestal Jigsaw and 05 nos. Pendant Motor with Hand Piece for F&LA Department of NIFT – Raebareli Campus.
Inviting fresh Quotation for supply of Angavastram for Convocation of NIFT Raebareli Campus.
Inviting online e-Tender in two Bid systems for supply and installation of “Laser Cutting Machine (Metal)” to NIFT Rae Bareli Centre
Inviting Bid ( GEM/2021/B/1453023) on GeM portal for supply and installation Workstation Table..
Quotation for Group Medi-claim lnsurance coverage for (144) new students (Batch 2021-25) of NIFT, Raebareli -
Inviting Bid (GEM/2021/B/1448177) on GeM portal for supply and installation of Work Station Desktop computer.
Inviting Bid (GEM/2021/B/1451597) on GeM portal for supply and installation of Desktop Computer.
Inviting Bid on GeM portal (GEM/2021/B/1445664) for supply and installation of iMac-27 inch all in one computer
Inviting e-Tender in two Bid systems for supply and installation of “Laser Cutting Machine (Metal)”.
Revised/Corrigendum Inviting Quotation for supply of Angavastram for Convocation for NIFT Raebareli Campus.
Revised/Corrigendum Inviting Quotation for supply of Angavastram for Convocation for NIFT Raebareli Campus.
Inviting Quotation for supply of Angavastram for Convocation for NIFT Raebareli Campus.
Extension of last date for inviting quotation for Insurance Policy upto 24.02.2021.
Tender inviting notice for AMC of RO on CPP portal ( ID: 2021_NIFT_617298_1) .
Extension of last date for inviting quotation for Insurance Policy upto 18.02.2021.
Extension of last date for inviting quotation for Group Medi-claim Insurance coverage for (551) students ofNIFT, Raebareli till O9.O2.2O21 - Reg.
Invited Expression of Interest (EOI) from NIFT Alumnus for Khadi Kamgars Training Programme 2020-21.
Inviting quotation for Group Medi-Claim Insurance for the year 2020-21.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(109)/Admin/NIFT/RB/Supply of Stationery items /2018 dated 01.06.2020 for supply of stationery items at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(109)/Admin/NIFT/RB/Supply of Stationery items /2018 dated 01.06.2020 for supply of stationery items at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(109)/Admin/NIFT/RB/Supply of Stationery items /2018 dated 01.06.2020 for supply of stationery items at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum -Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(109)/Admin/NIFT/RB/Supply of Stationery items /2018 dated 01.06.2020 for supply of stationery items at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(109)/Admin/NIFT/RB/Supply of Stationery items /2018 dated 01.06.2020 for running stationery shop at NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting e-tender notice for running Mess Canteen Services.
Corrigendum -Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 02.03.2020 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting e-tender notice for providing office stationery items.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 02.03.2020 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 02.03.2020 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9401(101) / प्रशा० / एनआईएफटी / आरबी / कैंटीन सेवाएं / 2018 dated 01.04.2020 for running mess/canteen services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 02.03.2020 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting e-tender under “Two Bid System” for providing Canteen/Mess Services in campus.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 02.03.2020 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum-Inviting e- Tender for supply, installation and commissioning of “40 KVA Online UPS” at NIFT Extension Centre, Varanasi
Inviting e-tender notice for providing round the clock security services at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Inviting e- Tender for supply, installation and commissioning of “40 KVA Online UPS” at NIFT Extension Centre, Varanasi.
Inviting e-Tender in two Bid systems for supply and installation of “RFID Library Security System” under buyback of old AM based Library Security system at NIFT Rae Bareli Centre.
Corrigendum: Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9505(81)/NIFT/RBL/Bldg/Fixing of tiles in hostel/18 dated 23.12.2019 for supply and fixing of tiles work at NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting E-Tender in two Bid systems for supply and fixing of tiles in hostels and administrative blocks at NIFT Rae Bareli Centre.
Extension of Last date for submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) in connection with selection of Official banking partner with National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 18.09.2019 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(106)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी०/स्टेशनरी शॉप /2018 dated 21.08.2019 for running stationery shop at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 18.09.2019 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum to Invitation of expression of Interest.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504 (103)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी/सुरक्षा सेवाएँ/2018 dated 18.09.2019 for providing security services at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(106)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी०/स्टेशनरी शॉप /2018 dated 21.08.2019 for running stationery shop at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum- Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(106)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी०/स्टेशनरी शॉप /2018 dated 21.08.2019 for running stationery shop at NIFT Raebareli.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of opening of e- Tender for “Expression of Interest” at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Inviting e-tender notice for providing round the clock security services at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry No. 9504(106)/प्रशा०/एनआईएफटी/आर०बी०/स्टेशनरी शॉप /2018 dated 21.08.2019 for running stationery shop at NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting e-tender for Empanelment of event management agency for organizing of “special activities like Fashion Show, Convocation, Spectrum, Exhibition, Show Case etc.” for NIFT RAEBARELI Centre.
Inviting e- Tender for running stationary shops at NIFT Rebareli Centre.
Inviting e-tender for "Providing annual maintenace contract for 720 HP VRV/VRF air conditioners" at NIFT Campus, Raebareli.
Inviting e-Tender for "Providing Pest Control Services" at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Dress Form.”
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Providing Pest Control Services”.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Dress Form.”
Extension of e-tennder for Expression of Interest(EOI) for empanelment of agency for the Event Management work
Inviting Tender for High Tea Arrangement for NIFT Raebareli Convocation 2019.
Inviting e- Tender for Pest Control Services at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
E-tender for Expression of Interest (EOI) for empanelment of agency for the Event Management work at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Inviting e-tender for "hiring vehicle services" at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Inviting e- Tender for supply of "Dress Form" at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Corrigendum to Invitation of expression of Interest.
Inviting e-Tender for Event management service for NIFT Spectrum & Craft Bajar-2019.
Corrigendum-Correction in opening and submission date of e-tender for "hiring of vehicle services " at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Corrigendum: change in schedule of e-tender submission and opening date of “Address System”.
Corrigendum: Change in schedule of opening of e- Tender for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “14 GAUGE IRON SHEET with painting” at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Inviting e-Tender for “Supply, installation and commissioning of Network equipment” at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Expression of Interest for empanelment of event management and organisation agency/company/Institution for organisation for organizing of fashion show at Institutional level/India and abroad for NIFT Raebareli.
Inviting e-tender for “hiring vehicle services" at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of opening of e- Tender for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of e- Tender submission and opening date for supply and installation of “14 GAUGE IRON SHEET with painting” at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Inviting E-Tender for supply and installation of "Address System" in conference room at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of opening of e- Tender for providing “Catering Service for NIFT Converge- 2018” at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of opening of e- Tender for providing “Vehicle services” at NIFT Raebareli Center.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
Inviting e- Tender for Catering Service for NIFT Converge 2018.
Inviting e-Tender in two Bid systems for supply and installation of “14 GAUGE IRON SHEET with painting” to NIFT Rae Bareli Centre.
E-TENDER FOR PROVIDING Vehicle services for the period from 26.12.2018 to 30.12.2018 on requirement basis during NIFT Converge-2018.
Inviting e- Tender for Catering Service for NIFT Converge 2018.
Inviting e- Tender for " Event Management services" at NIFT Raebareli Centre.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
E-Tender for providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for Air Conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Raebareli and Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.
Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
Inviting Tender for Event Management of NIFT Graduation and Fashion show 2018.
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of E-Tender Submission and opening date for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.”
Corrigendum -Expression of Interest notice against the EOI/Tender No. NIFT/RBL/PUR./11/E.O.I./2017-18 dated 10.01.2018
Change in schedule of Technical opening bid of E-Tender for “Providing comprehensive annual maintenance contract for air conditioners installed at NIFT campus, Rae Bareli & Varanasi Extension Centre Chowkhaghat Varanasi.
Providing Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Air Conditioners Installed at NIFT Campus,Rae Bareli & Rae Bareli Extension Centre Chowkaghat Varanasi
Corrigendum-Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry 9505(3)/Admn/NIFT-RBL/Cooler stand/09
Corrgendum - Expression of Interest notice No. NIFT/RBL/PUR./11/E.O.I./2017-18 dated 10.01.2018
Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry 9505(3)/Admn/NIFT-RBL/Cooler stand/09
Corrigendum - Expression of Interest notice for empanelment of agency for Fashion show
Corrigendum - Change in schedule of Tender opening date of this office tender enquiry 9505(3)/Admn/NIFT-RBL/Cooler stand/09
Corrigendum - Expression of Interest notice No. NIFT/RBL/PUR./11/E.O.I./2017-18 dated 10.01.2018
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