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Conferences & Seminars
The National Resource Centre has successfully organized several national and international conferences since 2007. In 2011 an international conference series International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (ICLAM) was launched by NIFT.

Membership Facilities
The students, faculty and staff are the primary members of the Resource Centres (RC). RCs also offer membership facilities to the alumni, corporate houses, professionals and the self-employed on payment of membership fees. Please visit the website of your RC for details about membership fees. Members are offered various information services besides borrowing facilities.

Useful Websites
All the Resource Centres (RCs) offer online information services to the users. The cloud based multi-location library management software, e-Granthalaya , of the National Informatics Centre (NIC) manages acquisition, processing and dissemination of information sources and offer numerous proactive services.