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National Sizing Survey of India/INDIAsize project

A Project was sanctioned by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, under the Research and Development Scheme to develop Indian size charts based on body measurements of Indian population for better fitting of ready to wear garments. The project 'INDIAsize' plans to measure 25000 (Twenty Five Thousand) persons aged from 18 to 65 years in six different regions of India using 3D body scanners. It is expected that the retail garment industry will be hugely benefitted from the outcome of the project.

Ethiopian Textiles Industry Development Institute (ETIDI) Project

Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute (ETIDI) Project is an International Project for capacity building and benchmarking of Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute (ETIDI), Ethiopia, to transform it to a Centre of Excellence through a Twinning Arrangement with NIFT via conduct of various training programmes at Ethiopia and higher education and MDP Programmes in India to ETIDI officers/experts.

Upgrading the skills and training in traditional arts/crafts for development (USTTAD) Project

The Ministry of Minority Affairs has launched a new scheme ‘Upgrading The Skills And Training In Traditional Arts/ Crafts For Development’ (USTTAD), which inter-alia, aims to preserve heritage of traditional arts and crafts of minorities and build capacity of traditional crafts persons and artisans. The scheme aims at capacity building and updating the traditional skills of master crafts persons and artisans.

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